This is a love story. Of love for nature, for the silences, for the rustling of the leaves in the wind, for the colors and scents of the countryside with the background of the majestic hills of the Casentino, green and full of refreshment in summer and white of immaculate snow in winter. This is a magical place where time stands still.
You, immersed in nature, become the protagonist of your life in contact with the origins and with the sensory well-being. Here you rediscover yourself, in tranquility, in the air, in freedom, in aromas.
In touching the fruit of nature, in walking on the grassy fields and walking in the woods reoxygenating yourself and maybe even taking an invigorating bath in the natural waterfall. Out of everything, from thoughts, from anxieties, from nagging. Only you and those who love you.
This is the place of balance, serenity, health.
Loc. Monte Petrognano, 29 52100 Monte Petrognano (AR) Italy